Friday, October 26, 2012

Ch: 6 Color

                                                            Chapter: 6 Color

         It's not just artists that deal with colors, every day we do. Just waking up we see colors right in front of us and getting dressed. Trying to figure out what shirt goes best with those pants. We are always surrounded by color. Our life rotates around it, with out red we wouldn't know when the traffic lights tell us to stop. Colors are a essential to our every day life.

~Additive System- Is a color mixing system that has to deal with light.

~Subtractive System-Is a color mixing system that that creates the visual of color.

         We see this all the time. It's when the light rays hit a object and it reflects off the pigments in that object. It comes back pink to us with additive system or comes back every pigment but blue when it's really blue with subtractive system.

~Primary Colors- the three main colors red,yellow, and blue.

           Primary colors are what makes up every other color adding more blue to yellow can darken the out come of the green and adding more yellow can lighten it. Depending on how much of each color we adds changes it's hue. Which makes more colors such as cyan, forest green, maroon, and pink. There are many more but those should be some colors you've seen before to give you and idea. When the primary colors of light overlap it makes white light, something to keep in mind.

~Color Constancy-The viewer sees the color staying the same even under a different light.

~Constancy Effect-Allows us to see size, form, and color even if stuff changes.

         With this if the color constancy is right we should see the same color even if the light changes, instead of changing the color to a darker or lighter it will stay the same. This goes the same with constancy effect, nothing at all should change to use.

~Hue- Is the color wheel or the name of the color

~Spectrum- Many different kinds of color made from a white light and a prism.

        The hue and the color spectrum helps us see all the different colors out there. Lets you know the name of each color and were it sits on the dark and light scale. This can give you a hand in shading instead of having to guess to see what color is darker or lighter.


                This picture should give you and idea of what a hue looks up and how its' set up.
 "Hue." Color Academy2006. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

~Color Wheel- Is a giant wheel that has all the primary colors on it and them combined in a circle.

       The color wheel is useful it gives you a basic idea of what the primary colors look like when combined with one another in different shades. It stars off from light to dark or dark to light. So you know were that color rest on the warm and cools. When you mix your primary colors it's known as secondary colors. You can also mix secondary colors and primary colors on your color wheel and get tertiary colors.

Color Wheel:

Here is a small example of how you should set up a color wheel and they should look. Should give you some ideas of some colors you can get from mixing.

                 Casey, Todd M. "Color Wheel/Color Theory." Todd M. Casey - Fine Art. N.p., Mar. 2011. Web. <>.

         Color has value as well. How you want to shade with that color or how dark that color is or what kind of tint dose it have. There are forty different shades of one color we can point out. We can change the value of a design by messing with the colors such a flip flopping them around or pairing them up with different colors. Such as green boxes with black outline compared to green boxes with a white outline. Don't forget doing this can make your colors intensity and in your face. To keep your design from having intensity all you need to do is have the intensive color be with it's complement  that will tone it down and make it less screaming.

~Cool Colors- Colors that are closer to blue on the color wheel.

~Warm Colors- Colors that rest closer to yellow or red on the color wheel.

Cool and Warm Colors:

This picture shows very good use of cool and warm colors. It even splits it for you so there is no confusion.
           Jones, Manasto. The Future Always Happens Yesterday. Tumblr, 10 Oct. 2012. Web. <>.

      We've hinted and talked a little about cool and warm colors. We know what they are colors closer to blues, yellow, and reds can tell you if they are warm or cool colors. Why should we care you ask? It's very important to know whats a cool and warm color. When your shading your design for the darker colors your going to want cool colors and not warm and such for light areas you'll want warm and not dark. It's best to know the difference in between them at the begging so you don't have to freak when your shading.


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