Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ch: 5 Value

                                                                 Chapter 5: Value

~Value- Is the art term for lights and dark's in a design.

        Value helps your design stand out and everything have its own shape. Each shape now will look smooth and have it's own characteristics instead of blending with everything on the paper. You can now pick out want you see and identify it.


       In this picture from .Hack//G.U. you can see the different ranges from dark and light. The value is very wide in this picture.

Gann, Patrick. ".hack//G.U. Game Music O.S.T.2." RPG Fan. RPGFan, n.d. Web. <>.

~Achromatic- Is just the colors white and black nothing more or less.

        Using just whites and blacks can still work, how you may ask. With whites and blacks you still got your scale, which means you all so have different shade, different shades of white and black can form gray. This is also known as a value scale of gray.

~Value Contrast- Relationship of dark's and lights in a area.

        Value contrast helps with shading and making your design have it's shape and feel to it. Each different time of contrast can mean different things, how the light is hitting the objects, the mood, tone, and the characteristic of the objects.

~Value Pattern- How lights and dark's are arranged in a design.

     When you have a pattern this helps out by shading. the dark's shade were the shadows are hitting and the lights for were the light is shining on the object. This gives it a shape with out having to define it with lines.

      Don't forget value isn't just for black and white, it's also for every color out there. Each color has a value and value contrast. Still have your whites or warm colors and you still have your blacks or cool colors. Each helping shad and form each object with out lines.

~Value Emphasis- Uses dark's and lights to help make a vocal point.

       This vocal point gets your attention, it's that spot on that design that makes you want to look at it or question it. Using value emphasis can help you achieve your goal of getting your audiences attention. Every shade and color makes each hatching stand out and be bold.

~Chiaroscuro- using light and dark to show value and depth.

         Chiaroscuro helps you understand what part of that object is shadowed or what your suppose to see or not see. It helps pop the object out making it look as if it was three-d. It all so gives you a hand with making up space.

~Helpful Tip:

        Don't forget each medium can help you show that value and color scale. Some mediums can reach the dark part of the scale easier than other mediums can. Some mediums make it simpler to cross hatching when trying to shade or show shadows. you can even go crazy and mix mediums to get a different feel or texture to your design.

              Here are some different mediums you can use.

Dragonphysic. "Swooping Black Ink Dragon." Deivantart. Dragonphysic, n.d. Web. <>.


"Advice Columns." The Murky Fringe. WordPress Admin, n.d. Web. <>.

1 comment:

  1. I really love your blog and the background is a nice color. But its a little squished, making it hard to read some of the text. Also the header picture is rather large.
    Looks great though!
