Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ch 1: Design Process

                                                 Chapter one: Design Process.

         The design process has a couple steps you should fallow to help form your idea and give it shape.


       You all ready know there is a problem, but how are you going to handle it? You all ready know about the problem so you are all ready working on it. Sadly that's not all you must do. You should stop and ask your self a couple of things, is there a certain style that is needed, color, texture, limitation and when is this solution needed?

       Once you have these question answered and figured out, you then can move on to thinking about the solution. You should sketch down a couple of fast drawings of your problem and how to solve it. Step back and look at your ideas on the paper, what ones fallow this problem and solution?

         Don't forget to think about what kind of audience you'll be targeting. Every little detail and color can easily change who the product or picture is meant for. Last you should double check on how you are going to present it. Once you got these steps down you'll be done with the thinking step. Now you can move on to Looking.


     Is were you look at the natural object and how your going to put the likeness of that object in your drawing. Is it going to focus more on one detail or everything?


      When you finally get that idea down on paper and want to add some color or shading to it. During this step you'd test some new ways on approaching the look you wanna get. Once you fallow all these steps you'll be golden.

       In the picture below you can see how a cow looks in the natural world and how an artist portrayed it on paper. See if you can see the steps listed above and how did they do these steps?

 "Cows." Society for the Advancement of Animal Wellbeing - Protecting Animals and Conserving the Environment. SAAW International, 2007. Web. <>.

                                                                        Game Cow:
                                     "Cow." Wowwiki. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

~Helpful Tips:

   Don't forget that you can easily ask someone to critique what you have done; they might be able to give you a hand or some friendly advice. Don't freak if you can see your pentimenti or were you went over and redid something. 

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