Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ch: 4 Illusion of Motion

                                                       Chapter:4 Illusion of Motion

         As humans we are all ways moving, we can't just sit still. Even when we sleep we move around changing positions. Even in your design you can capture this, with the object moving now or have all ready moved. Having a picture were there is something going on and you just missed it can show this as well. Say your picture has a sad girl and guy is walking away in the back ground. You weren't the but you can tell something just happened by the movements of the characters. You can even capture motion by drawing someone hitting another person. When their hand comes in contact with the other persons face, drawing the impact of the hand and the face can show motion. You know that the person just got hit by the action of their face and the form of their face.

Illusion of Motion:

As we can see in this picture the circles really aren't moving but they are placed just right to look like they are when we look at the picture.
            Kitaoka, Akiyoshi. "What Is Visual Illusion." Science and Art of Visual Illusions. N.p., 24 Feb. 2006. Web. <>.

~Kinesthetic Empathy- Our body begin to copy what we are watching with out us knowing.

       As we watch that athlete run across that dirt track our muscles tense just as if we were that athlete and running. It's a illusion of motion we are experiencing here, the fact that's the runner really isn't here but feels like we are with them. So much to the point our legs and muscles are copying hem.

~Repeated Figure- The object keeps appearing to the viewer just slightly different each time or in a different position.

              Repeated figure is most commonly used for story boards. This can give you a helping hand when your trying to understand how to throw in illusion of motion in your picture. You can sketch out your story board  and look at the different potions the objects are in. Finally you can pick which one looks more like it's in motion than trying ot guess and make it in motion. You can even throw in some figure cropping, making it look as if it was going on or off the paper. Your objects are moving fast you can even blurr the outline to make it look as if it's moving extremely fast or put multiple images behind it slightly changing each time.

Blurred Image:

                As we can see in this image the man isn't blurred but his background is. Makes it seems as if he's running fast.
           Lewis, Bradford Lee. My Skatting Days. N.p., 7 Nov. 2006. Web. <>.

Repeated Image:

            This dancer is seen several times in this image. Why because it gives the idea that she is moving so fast she is leaving images of her behind.
               Brown, Cate. "Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image." 130 Crate Brown. Blogger, 5 May 2011. Web. <>.
               Each of these ways can get your design to look like it's really moving can coming at you or going away form you. Every little thing can give you that little bit you need to make that object come away from your back ground..

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