Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ch 2: Unity

                                                           Chapter two: Unity

~Unity- The elements in your picture or design look as if they belong together or known as harmony.

     The nice thing about unity is you can have it in representational and non representational. You can all so see unity in designs that look as if they were on a jigsaw, this brings out their  monochromatic. Now you may be asking your self were dose unity and harmony come from? Unity comes from the artist them self's, it's when we design and plan a idea and put it into motion. It reflects how skilled we are as artists and how organized we are or how neat our composition is.When your getting into unity as a growing artist you should look at the bigger parts first then nit pick about the more fine tuned parts. Do not get unity confused with visual unity, they are two different things.

~Visual Unity- Shows you a pattern or arrangement between two more objects that is seen by the eye.

      Why should we freak out about different kinds of unity? As a artist it's our job to make it sure it has plenty of unity and blance to keep it nice and organize. While doing this we are wanting to aim for our design to have some  Gestalt.

      Unity is very simple to achieve there are many ways you can do this. One of the more common ways is to put several objects or patterens that look together in a area, it gives them  proximity. Using repetition shows that our design has patterns that repeat to show the relationship between two different objects in the design. You can see this in color, ambiance, shape, size, volume, shading, line quality, and so forth. The easiest way to achieve unity is continuation, showing that something in the design continues with natural means. You can uses these ways of unity for three-d prespective drawing as well. You might wana use a grid similar to the ones bellow.

               "Illustrator - Plugins." Полная версия. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
                    "12 by 12 Grid." ClipArt ETC. Florida Center for Instructional Technology., 2004. Web. 2012. <>.

~Helpful Tips:

       Remember that unity and variety is made by repeating of gestures, shapes, color, size, pattern, texture, and so on. When your doing a  variety please keep in mind you want it under controlled and not cluttered like the picture below.


       As you can see there is a lot going on in this screen shot, you do want to aim for your designs to look good. Just don't go to crazy with the continuation, repetition and variety.

         "Gyrostarr." Nintendolife. Nlife Ltd., n.d. Web. 2012. <>.

                                                                  Non Cluttered:

        It may not look as pretty as the top design, but it's more clear and easier to fallow with out all the clutter.

 Iwatani, Toru. Pac-Mondrian Video. Namco, n.d. Web. <>.



        In this older picture of mine you can see were I was having continuation in my design and how I kept it uncluttered.

       Name of artwork: Commission, Artwork at: On Facebook, Medium: Photoshop, 10,18,2012 Artist: Kimberly Brown

Name of artwork: Dr,Von. Foxsting, Stine, Artwork at: On Facebook, Medium: Photoshop, 10,18,2012 Artist: Kimberly Brown



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