Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ch: 7 Lines

                                                                  Chapter: 7 Lines

        We all should know what lines are by now. We see lines in everything, just stop and look around the area your in. I'm sure you can find a line some were. With lines being so common you'd think eh lines don't matter that much. Your wrong, lines can make and brake yous design. Each line can help define a object or show the intensity of that object. Plus how think, thin, light, and dark can even change the mood of your object. There are many different types as lines as well.

~Cross Contour-Lines that appear to wrap around the object outlining it at an angle.

       As seen in this picture God of War series. The background is blurred but gives it a look as if was outlining the man and the blood looks as if it were doing the same.

                          Seibold, Witney. "CraveOnline." Crave Online. , LLC. CRAVEONLINE MEDIA, n.d. Web. 2012.                  <>.

~Implied Line- Is were several points are placed so that your eye automatically connects them together.

           You can see there is no real line on this picture connecting the two dragons from Spyro together, but your eye makes a imaginary line when you look at it. You know that the tow are connect by how they are placed in the picture even with out that be line in your face.
 "Spyro the Dragon (PS)." Game Stop. CBS Interactive Inc, 9 Sept. 2009. Web. 2012. <>.

~Psychic Line- There is no real line but we feel as if there is.

        Broly's arm isn't a line but to your eye it's connecting him to Goku form Dragonball Z.
Kramer, Jason. "Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team." Gamesradar. Future US, Inc, 1 Nov. 2010. Web. 2012. <>.

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